
Core Principles of MYTHEO’s Investment Approach

MYTHEO (from GAX MD Malaysia) is a continuation of the legacy of Japan’s THEO, an online, automated investment service (a robo-advisor), which was developed by Money Design Japan. Money Design Japan is a partner and shareholder of GAX MD Malaysia.

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When should I invest? Should I buy now or wait for a better timing?

Many investors worry about timing their investments. In other words, trying to decide when is a good time to start investing or add to their positions and when they should hold off.

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MYTHEO and the current market volatility

We have recently seen an increase in market volatility, especially in the US equity market with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling over 3% twice this month (on the 5th and the 14th of August) and with market moves of over 1% seen on 8 trading days out to 10 so far this month (as of 14th August).

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How does MYTHEO select which ETFs to hold?

In this blog we will discuss how MYTHEO selects the ETFs to include in customer portfolios and how we determine how much of each ETF to hold (i.e. the portfolio “weightage”).

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Foreign Exchange Risk and Long-term Investing

In this blog we will discuss how MYTHEO selects the ETFs to include in customer portfolios and how we determine how much of each ETF to hold (i.e. the portfolio “weightage”).

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Understanding ETFs

Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs) are open-ended funds that are traded on a stock exchange like ordinary shares. An ETF usually tracks or is linked to a particular country, sector or asset class index.

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Investing with AI

AI (Artificial Intelligence), a term from advanced computer science, has become a word that almost everyone has heard of. If you look at the newspaper, you will find news of products and services using AI on a daily basis.

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Will AI help you make money?

Recently I am often asked the question, "Do you make money using AI?". The technical aspects of “AI and asset management” were introduced in a previous blog post, so this time I would like to answer this question.

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How to react to the next Lehman Shock?

Last September marked the 10-year anniversary of the Lehman shock (September 2008). In general, shocks are events that have a major impact on the economy and the market, such as rapid stock price declines and commodity prices. In the Lehman shock, the global market share price (MSCI-ACWI * 1) plunged by nearly 50%.

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